Publishing Services
Publishing Services
Melbourne Publishing Group offers an extensive range of services relating to print and web-based publishing. We can undertake just one or two aspects of the process or we can co-ordinate the entire project, start to finish, for you.
Our project teams include some of the best people in the business and we continually strive for the best results on every project we handle, whether it is a full-colour illustrated book or a small brochure or something in-between.
These are just some of the things we can arrange for you:
> Project feasibility analysis
> Manuscript appraisal
> Copyediting
> Design and layout
> Proofreading
> Print management
> Publicity and marketing
> Sales and distribution
We also offer a high-calibre consultancy service for clients with their own publishing programmes. Our senior staff are able to draw on wide experience in working with commercial companies, government departments and non-profit organisations to provide expert advice in almost any situation.
Please contact General Manager Mary Mumford if you would like more information about any of our services.